Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy

Last Updated Date

Wasco County Library District

Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy



To provide a process by which a resident of the Wasco County Library District may

request the review of a staff decision regarding the addition or deletion of an item from the

District library collections.


It is the goal of the District to provide materials for the interest, information, and

entertainment of all customers.  Materials will not be excluded because of the origin,

background, or views of those contributing to their creation.  Creators or content by or about

state or federal protected classes: race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual

orientation, and/or gender identity), national origin, age, disability, and genetic information

will be protected in accordance with state and federal anti‐discrimination laws.

The District shall provide materials and information presenting varied points of view on current

and historical issues. Inclusion of library materials is not an endorsement of content.

Customers wishing to Request Reconsideration of Library Materials must adhere to the


1. The customer must be a registered Wasco County Library District resident card holder.

2. Groups or organizations may not submit a request for Reconsideration of Library


3. A limit of one Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form may be submitted

per calendar month per customer.

4. Each form can only be used for a single title.  An individual title will only be reviewed one time per 

calendar year.  If a title has already gone through the review process for the year, customers wishing to 

submit a review of that same title will receive the same report provided in the original review process. 




Customer requests for review of District library materials will be given a fair hearing.  A Request

for Reconsideration of Library Materials will consist of the following procedure:

1. A customer who expresses concerns will be referred to a District staff member to respond to


2. The customer will be advised that if they are not satisfied with the verbal response provided

by staff, they may choose to initiate a formal review by completing a “Request for

Reconsideration of Library Materials” form.

3. Completed “Request for Reconsideration” form will be referred to the Library Director who

will assign a professional librarian with relevant expertise to examine or read the item in

question, check the reviews, and determine if the item conforms to the Material Selection policy

used by the District.

4. No item shall be removed from circulation during the review process.

5. The Library Director will review the recommendation of District library staff and make a

decision within 30 calendar days of the written request.  The Director will respond in writing to

the customer.

6. The Library Director will advise the customer that they may request that the Wasco

County Library District Board review the decision of the Director.

7. Board review request

• A request for board review must be signed by a registered Wasco County Library

District resident card holder.  Groups or organizations may not submit a request for Board


• The Board will review the request for board review and determine if a formal review is

merited.  The Board reserves the right to deny consideration of a request for board

review when multiple requests are submitted which would create an unreasonable

workload, or when the Board determines that a request lacks sufficient merit.

• If the Board concludes that it will review the request, Board members will review the

challenge in question, as well as any associated materials presented by District staff and the 

customer.  The Board will discuss the issue during public session of a Board meeting prior 

to making a final determination.