Job Help Resources
Fiero Code

Join the Code Club! Free online coding from home brought to you by your library. Appropriate for ages 8 and up.
Gale: Vocation and Career

Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career.
Oregon Apprenticeship

Apply to participate in an apprenticeship program to start a career or transition to a new career.
Job Help Community Resources
Gorge Community Resource Guide
Guide to a variety of resources in the Columbia Gorge Area including: legal help, housing, parenting, and more!
Oregon Apprenticeship
Apply to participate in an apprenticeship program to start a career or transition to a new career.
Oregon Food Handler's License
Resources and test for Oregon Food Handler's License.
Worksource Oregon
Whether you’ve been laid off, want a career change, or are looking for your first job, WorkSource has the resources to help you take that next step. From entry level to executive leadership, we’re here to help you get the job you want.
Resume & Cover Letter Printing
Need to print copies of your resume and cover letter in order to submit a job application? Come to our public computer centers and let us know you are printing job materials, and we will waive our usual printing fees.
Chromebooks and Hotspots
Work on your resume and apply to jobs from the comfort of your own home. Check out a Chromebook and a hotspot using your library card.